英语学霸网 优选频道 2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析 New Year

2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析 New Year




New Year



1. How do you usually celebrate the New Year?

I don’t really celebrate the new year really. At least not the 1st ofJanuary New Year. A lot of people celebrate it by going out to parties andthings like this, but I am not so into it. I don’t feel a strong emotion towardsthe new year really. The Chinese New Year, of course, I do, because that hasbeen our tradition all my life. But the calendar new year, I’m sort ofindifferent about it really.

feel a strong emotion towards:对某事物没有很高的热心

the calendar new year:这个指的就是每年的1月1日,并不是我国传统的阴历新年。


2. Is New Year celebration important to you?

As I mentioned earlier, not especially. I’ve attended some parties withfriends, and perhaps a new year dinner and drinks, but in all honesty, I’m notreally bothered about it. I don’t feel a strong emotion regarding the new year.Although sometimes if it has been a bad year, it’s a time to welcome in some newpositivity and make resolutions for the coming year!

make resolutions:make a new year resolution想必是许多人会做的一件事——方案新年方针,披露新年期望。

3. Can you briefly describe your most unforgettable experience about thecelebration of the New Year?

The new year that I
2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析 New Year插图
enjoyed the most was a party with my colleagues atuniversity. I remember it really well because about 20 of us went to a big, nicerestaurant near campus, then a KTV afterwards. It was incredibly fun and a goodmix of people, boys and girls, and quite extrovert and amusing people too. Wereally let our hair down, sang a lot and chatted a lot. It was great.

let our hair down:放松,不拘礼节

4. Why do some people believe that New Year is a new start?

Well, it’s been traditional all over the world that a new year is a symbolof a new start, and people often try to put the past behind them, at least thenegative things about the past, and welcome in new resolutions and goals. Peoplecan find this motivating.


作者: admin




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