英语学霸网 英语学习资料 TPO4 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文

TPO4 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文

??如今我们在进行托福备考时 TPO 托福模考软件信赖是我们用的最多的东西了,关于托福成果的前进对错常有协助的。托福听力可以说是整个托福考试傍边比照重要的一个有些,如何使用现有材料 TPO 模考软件来提巨我们的托福成果呢 ? 今日修改在这儿收拾了 TPO4 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文来共享给我们,期望对我们托福听力备考有协助。

TPO4 托福独立口语 Task2 标题:

Many universities now offer academic courses over the Internet. However, some people still prefer learning in traditional classrooms. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

TPO4 托福独立口语 Task2 满分范文:

I think learning in traditional classrooms is better. The reason why I think so is that there are more interactions in traditional classrooms than in online classes. Students can have discussions and they see each other face to face. It ’ s highly probable that some of them will become friends. While in the online courses, students don ’ t know each other, they miss a chance of making friends. Also, in a trad
TPO4 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文插图
itional classroom, if a student doesn ’ t understand a concept or an idea, he or she can raise hand to ask the teacher directly. While in an online course, there is no chance for students to raise hands or to throw out questions immediately. Students in traditional classrooms not only learn the academic knowledge but also learn basic interpersonal interactions.

I prefer to take academic courses on the Internet. Since the courses are offered online, I don ’ t have to live near campus. All I need is a computer and a well-connected Internet. I can study at home and anywhere convenient. Besides, I don ’ t have to worry about my housing, nor do I need to drive back and forth. So it saves me money and time. Also, it ’ s easier to record online courses so I can review the part I don ’ t understand. With the recorded courses, I can have a good review before final examination.

以上就是修改为我们收拾了 TPO4 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文,我们可以边凭仗 TPO 模考软件听音频看看自个哪些当地听不理解,然后来看看原文,一起对操练托福听力精听也是很有协助的。最终,小站教育修改预祝我们托福考试能获得抱负的成果。

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