英语学霸网 优选频道 【小站自创】TPO10 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文

【小站自创】TPO10 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文

??如今我们在进行托福备考时 TPO 托福模考软件信赖是我们用的最多的东西了,关于托福成果的前进对错常有协助的。托福听力可以说是整个托福考试傍边比照重要的一个有些,如何使用现有材料 TPO 模考软件来提巨我们的托福成果呢 ? 今日修改在这儿收拾了 TPO10 福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文来共享给我们,期望对我们托福听力备考有协助。

TPO10 福独立口语 Task2 标题:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use details and examples to explain your answer.

All children should be required to learned a second language in school.

TPO10 独立口语 Task2 满分范文:

I don ’ t think all children sh
【小站自创】TPO10 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文插图
ould be required to learn a second language in school. Some children don ’ t even like to learn language. They are more interested in playing basketball, football and other sports. Even if they are required to learn a second language, they won ’ t treat it seriously. I had many friends in junior high who didn ’ t learn language at all. But they could play basketball very well and maybe some of them can become professional athletes. There is no need to learn a second language to achieve their goal. Also, many of the children won ’ t have chance to use the second language they learned at school, because when they grow up, their job doesn ’ t need any foreign language skills. For example, many of my high school classmates now work as clerks in banks and they don ’ t need to use foreign language in their work. Still, they can do the jobs just fine.

以上就是修改为我们收拾了 TPO10 托福口语 Task2 标题 + 满分范文,我们可以边凭仗 TPO 模考软件听音频看看自个哪些当地听不理解,然后来看看原文,一起对操练托福听力精听也是很有协助的。最终,小站教育修改预祝我们托福考试能获得抱负的成果。

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