首先介绍一下话语标记语的概念。话语标记语又称为discourse markers,是指用以表达思维逻辑和语音关系的连接词。同学们对于这类词其实并不陌生,比如我们常说的and,I think, meanwhile, furthermore, I’d like to say that等用以引起话语或作为分界的词和短语,又如我们在口语中经常磕磕巴巴发出的erm,um,well,and,so,like,sort of,kind of等缺乏语义内容,较为口语化的词和短语。上述这些都属于话语标记语的范畴。
1.整场考试下来,一直反复使用几个标记语,像and, like, also, I think, I believe that…等。有的同学会用and或者so来一直贯穿整场口语测试,造成观感上的不适。
2. 使用一些口语和写作中出现程度非常高的套词,例如as far as I am concerned…,with the development of…,to begin with…,due to the fact that…,you
know,as we all know,以及万精油的it depends。并不是这些表达方式不对,而是这类词跟词汇中的good,nice,beautiful,great,短语中的in my opinion,broaden my horizons,like…very much等一样,实在出现太多次,考官已然倍感疲惫。
3.使用的标记语过多,导致输出效率不足,无法实现有效表达。比如“What’s your favorite flower?” 有考生回答道:“When talking about my favorite flower, in my opinion, the first thing comes to my mind is that… like… um…you know, rose.” 这样的回答给人一种捶胸顿足、扼腕叹息、怒其不争的冲动。
表达方式高 级替换
without doubt…,absolutely…, definitely…, Yeah, I reckon it’s…, for sure, in my eyes, it’s really….because…, Yep, I would say it’s pretty…because without it…。若是表达肯定意见,但不太确定时,可以用:I guess so, I suppose that…。
关于否定意见的标记语:well, to be honest…,honestly…,actually。例如有一个口语话题是:“Do you think science classes are important?” 我们可以这样回答:“For sure, in my eyes, it’s really essential to have science
classes because…” 或 “Yeah,I suppose that it’s necessary to have science classes because…”,抑或 “Well to be honest, I don’t suppose so because…”。
首先first and foremost, well, to kick off, for starters;再者another thing is, additionally, furthermore;总之in a nutshell, overall, at the end of the day, all in all。例如在口语话题“Why so many people like to stay up late?”中,我们可以这样回答:“Well, to kick off the question, I reckon the reason is…. Additionally, the second reason comes to their… At the end of the day, I suppose that….”。
for example,for instance,you can see this with…, taking…as an example。例如在口语话题“Why is there a generation gap between the young and the old?”中,我们可以这样回答:“To my knowledge,
the two generations have different…. Taking …. as an example…” 或者 “Well first and foremost, the two generations have different…. You can see this with…”。
At the end of the day,话语标记语只是一方面,最重要的还是各位同学的英语口语水平,希望大家多多开口交流。