1. Clear. / All clear. (查看完)平安了,没事了。作业都搞定了
2. Go ahead,恰当于Yes,please。好的你说吧/你就这么做吧
3. Watch my back。Cover me。保护我,哥们我要上了
4. I got your back,我给你殿后,我会撑持你
5. Roger. / Roger that. / Copy that. 标明收到信息/指令,会实施的
6. Abort!Abort!行为接连,别干了赶紧撤
7. false alert,假警报,虚惊一场
8. Just follow my lead. 按我说的办,听我指挥
Eddie:Look!He’s right there!(看,他在那呢!)
Buck:I know,Roger!(我晓得啦!晓得!)
Crash:How about we get Sid first,and then go back for Roger?(咱们可不可以以先救希德,再去救“小德”?)
1. in:上场,盛行
I’m in. (你玩不玩啊?)带上我,这个活儿我接了
2. out
pass out,晕曩昔了
ask/take her out(for a date/dinner)专指约会
go out with him,约会
She is out of your league.你配不上她,女神追不着的
inside out,衣裳穿反了
freak out,发飙,吓坏了
You’re out of your mind,你疯了吧
3. on
标明持续 move on:(忘了失恋)持续日子吧
Dream on!做你的梦去吧
Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客
turn me on,让我振奋(某些方面)
on the house,请客
4. off
take a day off,休一天假
Fxxk off!滚远点
Knock it off!少来了
I have to take off,我得走了
piss me off,让我很生气 (I’m angry哈哈哈)
5. into
He’s just not that into you.他就是没那么喜爱你
run into somebody,在大街上碰到谁
Bottoms up! 干杯
man up,雄起,给劲点
Suit up!老爸老妈浪漫史里的Barney最喜爱说的一句话,把西装穿起来!
something just came up,俄然冒出来点作业(打乱方案)
back me up, 撑持我,援助我
What’s up?怎么了?有啥事么
7. down: 倒下,蜕化
Don’t let me down.别让我绝望
8. over:
get over somebody,失恋了企图忘掉或人
9. around
fool around:招蜂引蝶
I’ll show you around.我带你四处转转
10. against somebody,对立谁,跟谁对着干
I’m with you.我附和你,我撑持你
I’ll always be with you. 我会永久和你在一同
What is it with that guy?那家伙是怎么回事啊
How did it go with him?你和他交游的如何,发展顺畅不
1. do:
Any day will do.哪一天都可以
do me a favor,帮我个忙
No one does me better than me,不说明,霸气的苏菲
2. take
take it seriously,当回事
take it for granted,觉得不移至理
You take your time,你逐渐来
I’ll take from here. 接下来交给我吧
take my word for it,信赖我说的
Let me take care of it. 我来处置
I can’t take it anymore.我受不了了
3. get
You got me. 你问倒我了,你捉住我了
I got it. / Got it. 理解了,晓得了
Don’t get me wrong. 别误解我的意思
You got a minute?有时刻吗?
get it done,把这个做完
get lost,给我不见
get back at somebody,报复谁
4. give
I don’t give a damn/shit. 我TMD不在乎
Don’t give me that.少跟我来这套
Don’t give me that look!别跟我这幅表情
give it a shot/try,测验一下
5. count
Don’t count on it. 别太盼望这事
You can count on me.你可以依靠我
count me in(做啥事)算上我一个
6. make
make up your mind,做抉择
Let’s make a deal. 咱们做个生意吧
make a big deal out of it,当个大事,大惊小怪
make out,亲近(男女兄弟那种)
Let me make it up to you. 让我好好抵偿你吧
7. I’m screwed.我惨了
Screw you!去你妹的
screw it up,搞砸
8. work,行得通
That works for me. 对我来说可以的(承受这个条件)
9. hit
hit on somebody,蛊惑调戏PUA
hit it off 共处得极好,合得来
10. 系动词be
Be a man!Be nice!Be cool!
I’ll be there for you.我会撑持你的
I can’t help it.不由自立
I don’t mean it.我不是成心的
I mean it.我细心的
I can’t follow you.我听不理解你在说啥
I can’t reach him.我联络不上他
Don’t mess with me.别跟我瞎扯蛋
call it even扯平了
beat/ scare the crap out of… 打出翔,吓出翔
My boss is driving me nuts/crazy.老板要把我逼疯了,这儿动词用drive才正宗
let it go, 甩手吧,别纠结了
You’ve gone too far!你过分火了
Let me put it this way. 让我这么说吧
cut the crap,少废话,别兜圈子
Cut it out!省省吧,少来这套
You do the math. 你自个算吧
something stinks/sucks!很糟糕,很差劲
suck up to…凑趣谁
I hear you./ I’m listening. 我听到你说啥了,我听着呢
Now you’re talking. 这说的才像话嘛!That’s more like that。
There you go.这就对了嘛
gonna = going to
wanna = want to
gotta =get to,I gotta go我得走了
gotcha= got you,整到你啦!或许 理解你的意思了
kinda=kind of, a little bit,有一点儿
Gimme that!=give me that
S’up= What’s up?咋样啊
AKA:also known as,也被叫做。。。说外号的时分用
lol=laugh out loud,大笑,这个打字的时分会用,很少用讲的,恰当于23333吧
FYI= for your information,告诉你一声儿啊
BTW= by the way,趁便说一下。这都写邮件的时分用
ASAP = as soon as possible,从速
please reply,(请柬)请回复
五, 其他固定用法
Whatever. 爱咋咋地,随你怎么说吧
dead end 死胡同
Hello~~~~用九转千回的语调讲,标明 有没有搞错啊!
My way or the highway. 不听我的就滚蛋
That’s not the point.这不是要害疑问地址。 point常常标明观念
I see your point.我理解你的意思
I have no idea. I don’t have a clue. 我不晓得,比I don’t know听起来许多了
have a crush on somebody,沉浸或人
go nuts 发疯
That was close/ a close one,方才好险,就差一点
Nice save!秀丽的救场
Nice try!想得美哦
have the ball / guts / bones,勇气,节气,带种
hard core,中坚力气,也指比照重口的情色作品
pain in the ass 厌烦鬼
bad ass 混蛋,但联系语境也有夸奖的意思,大约就是 你丫牛B啊!
jerk 混蛋,You lucky jerk!你小子走了啥狗屎运
bullshit 瞎说
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