英语学霸网 在线英语资讯 【学习】常见的英语表达(1)


一个有点典雅的词:highbrow=深邃典雅(of books, plays,etc.) involving serious of and complicated or artistic ideas, or (of people) interesten in serious and complicatedd subjects.
e.g: most people can”>highbrow play!
一个高档规划:i find it difficult to believe =我觉得很难信赖1) whats the benefits of getting up early?
e.g: well, actually i think it”> i find it difficult to believe,because when i get up early im always very tired by the end of the day.
2) where do chinese people usually eat?
e.g: i read somewhere that most people now eat in the restaurants,but i find it difficult to believe thats not my experience any way.
一个简略的、口语化的、天然的短语: i could will be wrong =我可所以错的 1)do people nowadays help each other more than in the past?
e.g: well, honestly, it”>i could will be wrong.
2)what kind of skills are difficult to learn?
e.g: well, i think a musical instrument is very difficult and the language.but there are many other skills which i”> i could will be wrong in thinking there are more difficult than any skill.
一个凌乱语法规划: the thing i like most about something is that +clause =我最喜爱的是+从句 use it whenever you saying why you like something,someone or somewhere, it will always impress the examiner.
1)descibe a person who often help others.
e.g: well, the thing i like most about her is that she always has a smile on her face.
2) what do you like most about your town?
e.g: well,the thing i like most about it is that the people are very friendly.
3) describe a game show or quiz program and why you like it.
e.g: well, actually, the thing i like most about it is that the price is really impressive.
“暴风雨” :stroms, rainstrom, thunderstorm,snowstormthere are many kinds of stroms, such as rainstrom, thunderstorm,and snowstorm.
a thunderstorm has thunder,lightning and heavy rain.
do you see the lightning first or hear the thunder first?
the answer is lightning,because light travels faster than sound.
a rainstorm can bring heavy rain.sometimes it causes floods.
in a snowstorm, a lot of snow may fall, and people can only see white.
?梦腋械骄谏ァ?: it makes me feel depressed =它让我感到沮丧 you can also use it with other objectives.你也可以把它和其他描述词一同运用。
for example, it makes me feel happy.
1) how do you feel when you see people throw garbage on the street?
e.g: well, actually, it makes me feel depressed. because i think they are damaging the city and its very socially irresponsible.
2) do you like traveling?
e.g: well, actually. no, i don”>it makes me feel depressed when i think about it.
3)do you like to lend things to others?
e.g: actually, no, i don”> it makes me feel depressed when i think about it even now.
“和蔼可亲” =1)easy to get along with 2) approachable1)easy to get along with
e.g: he is smart and easy to get along with.
2) approachable
e.g: he”>approachable, why dont you talk the problem over with him?
“这些年改变很大” = its changed a lot in recent years. / it has changed a lot in recent years. 1) describe your hometown a little.
e.g: well, actually it has changed a lot in recent years. there are a lot of new buildings, new shopping malls, so its very different from before.
2) what do people do online in their free time?
e.g: well, of course it”> it has changed a lot in recent years,and now people do so many things online using wechat or other apps. they couldnt do only a short time ago.
一个高档规划:i wish+past tense verb= 我期望+动词曩昔式 1) do people help each other more now than in the past?
e.g: well, honestly, i think they don”> i wish people did help each other more. but itt have time.
2) is it bad talk on the phone in the public places?
e.g: autually, speaking personally, i think it is. i wish people didnt talk on the phone loudly in public places. i wish people had more respect for others.
一个短填词:i imagine…= “我想……” 1) why do people like to watch tv shows?
e.g: well, i imagine there are lots of different reansons.some people might be interested in the subject, others might just be tired after work want to relax, lots of different reasons for different people.
2) what kinds of skill are difficult to learn?
e.g: well, honestly, i imagine it varies a lot from person to person. some people might find a language difficult to learn, others might find a practical skill like a musical instruments with you body for it difficult to learn.
非常天然和有用的填词:i mean= 我的意思是native speakers say this all the time. dont use this at the begining of your answer, but you can use it on almost any other occasion. native speakers do this many many times.
1) do you want to be a movie star?
e.g: well, to be honest. i haven”>i mean i think its very difficult, even or almost impossible, i mean so many people want to be movie star and fail, so i never really thought about it.
2)what do you think makes good friends?
e.g: well, honestly, i think different thing important. i mean it well depend on the person and situation. but i think mainly always being honest is an important quality.
“冰清玉洁” =1. as clean as ice and as pure as jade 2. pure and noble 1) 直接翻译可以说 as clean as ice and as pure as jade
e.g: that girl was as clean as ice and as pure as jade, but now shes changed!
2)最简略可以说 pure and noble
pure 描述人标明:纯真的。noble 的意思是:尊贵的。
e.g: i fell in love with a girl who is pure and noble.
i”>“我不断定是不是可靠” 1)what kind of water sports are popular these days?
e.g: well, is totally reliable.
2)what kind of tv shows do people like to watch?
e.g: well, according to something i read game shows are the most popular tip of tv program. but i read this online, so is totally reliable.
1)buff 肌肉显着
e.g: that guy is really buff.
2)fit 健旺的
e.g: he is really fit.
buff 和 fit 有啥差异呢?
when i think of a buff guy, i think the muscles are really really huge,very very big muscles.
我想到一位很 buff 的男人,我就要愿望到很大很大的肌肉,非常大非常大的肌肉。
a fit guy is someone really healthy,his body is really hard and hes in really good shape.
3)drop-dead gorgeous 帅死你了
hes so handsome that you just die.
4)easy on the eyes 顺眼的
he was very easy on the eyes.
5)stunning 极端秀丽的
e.g: that guy is stunning.
一个非常简略自可是活络的分配:"more and less"=或多或少1)how long have you had your current haircut?
e.g: well, to be honest, i dont remember exactly when i had it cut, but i think it must been about two months ago more or less anyway.
2) describe a time when you gave some advice to another person.
e.g: well, it remember exactly when this was, but i think it must been about ten years ago more or less something like that.
no, absolutely not =不,完全不会1)do you make plans every day?
e.g: no, absolutely not. i rarely make plans actually. i prefer to leave my time open and to be flexible.
2)are you good at math?
e.g: no, absolutely not. in fact, at school, i hated math. i was much better at subjects like history or languages or literature.
3)do you like spending time by yourself?
e.g: no, absolutely not. actually, i much prefer to be with friends or family.
沧海一粟= a drop in the buckete.g: compared to his annual salary, the money he spent to buy the car was just a drop in the bucket.
我倾向于认为=i tend to think1)is it bad to speak on the phone in public places?
e.g: well, its difficult to generalize. but i tend to think that it is because usually people would like to have some peace and quiet and not be disturbed by people talking in a loud voice.
2)what do you think is the best age to have children?
e.g: well, honestly, thats a good age.
没办法=1.there is not much we can do about it! 2.were up the creek without a paddle. 1)there is not much we can do about it!
e.g: —— whats matter with you? 怎么了?
—— there is not much we can do about it, i didnt understand how to solve this problem. 没办法,我不知如何处置这个疑问。
2)were in a pickle.
pickle 泡菜
e.g: were in a pickle, i think that we can ask the experts who can help ourselve.
3)its a tough one.没办法
e.g: yeah! its a tough one. can you help me,please?
4)were up the creek without a paddle. 没办法,陷于窘境
creek 小溪 ; paddle 浆
e.g: it looks like were up the creek without a paddle.
“掉以轻心” =1 take it lightly 2 lower ones guardno.1 take it lightly
lightly 草率的
e.g: itt take it lightly.
no.2 lower ones guard
guard 警惕
e.g: i told him i worked at the hotel and to lower his guard.
各种“年纪”论题的表达:he”> early twenties. 他二十岁刚出头。
she”> mid-thirties.她三十岁支配。
they are in their mid-to-late forties. 他们年纪在35-40岁之间。
eg: describe a foreign celebrity you want to meet in person.
e.g: i”> early-to-mid fifities now.
describe a person who made you laugh happily when you were a child.
e.g: i”>early-to-mid twenties.

ps: (1)“in ones early +数字(年纪)” 表达在或人多少岁刚出头;
(2)“in onee mid-数字(年纪)”表达或人年纪在多少岁支配。
mid 是中心的意思,所以
如: in her mid-twenties = 20-30岁之间
(3)“in one派生意思是 ”后半有些之间“
mid-to-late twenties=15-20; mid-to-late forties=35-40
如:in her mid-to-late thirties =她的年纪在25-30岁之间
(3)“in ones early-to-mid +数字”表达或人在这年纪数字的后半有些之间。
early-to-mid twenties=20-25; early-to-mid forties=40-45
如: in his early-to-mid thirties =他的年纪在30-35岁之间
表达“影响” 的三个最标准最常用的单词no.1 influence (表达影响,这个词标明会影响弱一点。只是改动你行为的一点点感触。 )
e.g: like my friend influences my decisions on what shoes i should buy.
( maybe my friend has some red shoes. i really like red. maybe i should buy red. or maybe pink. 这或许我兄弟有赤色鞋子,我喜爱赤色,就会受影响想买。或许粉色。)
no.2 affect (中度影响咱们可以用affect,略微程度上强一点。)
e.g: so you can say the coronavirus affects all of our lives.
( that means it makes our life different and we have to do different things because of the virus.意思是指咱们的日子因bd受影响要去做不一样的作业。)
no.3 impact (程度上影响最重。像在碰击)
e.g: so you can say i hurt my foot. and it really impacted my walking. now i cant really walk very well.
望文生义=out of contexte.g: the reporter took my remarks completely out of context.
表达陪同使用spend time with,而不是accompany。actually, accompany means to be with somebody because you want to help them or stop them from being alone.
accompany,实践是指因为要协助别人或许避免别人落单的陪同。所以,咱们常用“spend time with" 表达陪同。
陪老婆、陪家人、陪父母、陪孩子,都是 spend time with。
e.g: i spent time with my wife on the weekend.
e.g: in the morning i spend time with my son before going to work.
accompany的 用法:e.g: my grandma went to the bank and i accompanied her.
(or, i kept her company,and that means i stopped her from being alone. and just wanted to help her to go to the bank and do everything at the bank.)
so there you go, accompany and spend time with are pretty different.
“很难混为一谈”=its difficult to generalizee.g: —— what indoor games do kids like to play nowadays?
—— well, actually, i think its difficult ot generalize.我认为很难混为一谈。(of course, children are different and people like different kinds of game! and it also depends on the age of child as well.)
e.g: —— what skills sets should a manager have?
—— well, to be honest, i think its difficult to generalize. it depends on the level of the money during the company and also the type of company that it is.
嗯,说真话,我认为很难混为一谈,这取决于公司的资金水平以及公司的类 型。
“风华正茂” = in ones primeprime 全盛时期
e.g: youre now in your prime! never give up hope!
on the line = 处在风险中,在……之列e.g: almost 3000 jobs have been lost recently, and a further 3000 are on the line.
e.g: everyonet go out!
get a deal=薅羊毛e.g: how much of a deal did you get on double eleven?
coupon=优惠券e.g: i got some coupons. would you like to go shopping with me?
deal hunter=“羊毛党”hunter 找……的人
e.g: a job hunter 求职者
a house hunter 租买房子的人
a bargain hunter 淘廉价货的人
e.g: do you have the blueprint of that project?
e.g: their blueprint for economic reform will be practiced this year.
e.g: whats your blueprint of the fulture?
“文科”“理科”英文怎么说?文科 即 art
e.g: an art student 文科生
理科 即 science
e.g: a science student 理科生
e.g: at school i was quite good at arts, but hopeless at science.
原文如下:the latest "challenge"consists of people posting embarrassing photos of themselves and captioning them "until tomorrow"with no other context.迩来的“应战”包括我们发布一张自个为难的相片,然后写上“明日删”,就不写另外了。
post 都有啥意思?
post 作动词
no.1 发布
e.g: she hardly ever posts wechat moments.
no.2 张贴
e.g: you can post a notice in the lost and found.
no.3 邮递
e.g: did you remember to post my letter?
post 作名词
no.1 帖子
e.g: lots of people have commented on my posts.
(你如今正在看的也叫 post)
no.2 职位
e.g: they have several vacant posts.
no.3 邮件(英式)
美国人喜爱说 mail
e.g: ive been away for a few days so i had a lot of post waiting for me!
2. embarrassing 是让别人为难
no.1 embarrassing 让人为难的
e.g: what he did is really embarrassing!
no.2 embarrassed 感到为难的
e.g: i was too embarrassed to admit that i was scared.
3. caption 不只是是名词
no.1 caption 作名词
e.g: the caption made the photo easier to understand.
no.2 caption 作动词
e.g: he captioned the photo with "my little sister"
4. until 是转机
no.1 标明某个时刻的转机
e.g: i was up until three oclock trying to get it finished!
no.2 标明某个方位的转机
e.g: you should go straight until the corner and the turn around.
tips: 中文咱们尽管翻译成“一向”
until 之后就不做了
4. context 啥意思?
no.1 语境
e.g: look at the context and fill the blank.
no.2 布景
e.g: this battle is very important in the context of chinese history.
“泪如涌泉” =in floods of tears咱们是泪水像大雨,老外是泪水像洪水。
e.g: i found her in floods of tears in the bathroom.
清洁纸=toilet paper 或许 toilet roll;roll 卷toilet paper 或许 toilet roll;roll 卷
”厕所没纸了“大约说 out of toilet paper
out of 标明: 没了
e.g: my stall is out of toilet paper, would you mind handing me some from your side?
stall 蹲位
short on toilet paper厕所没纸
e.g: help! im short on toilet paper! could you fetch some for me?
fetch 拿
ps: 各种纸的说法
tissue 抽纸
napkin 餐巾
papper towel 厨房纸
wet wipe 湿巾纸
desk potato 桌边神游,开小差e.g: you have been a desk potato for hours!
couch potato=宅人
movie buff 影片迷buff 喜爱者
buff means a person who knows a lot about and is very interested in a particular subject.
e.g: a computer buff 核算机喜爱者
an opera buff 歌剧喜爱者
e.g: she is a movie buff! when a new movie is on, she will be the first to rush to the cinema.
饥不择食 = 1 a good appetite is a good sauce. 2 hungry dogs

will eat dirty puddings.no.1 a good appetite is a good sauce.
appetite 食欲, sauce 调味料
e.g: when you are starving you will realize a good appetite is a good sauce.
no.2 hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.
e.g: i dont have choice! hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings!
原文如下:life is too short to waste time hating anyone. so, get rid of those ill feelings.要点内容解析:
1)life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
2)so, get rid of those ill feelings.
get rid of sth. 丢掉,铲除
e.g: that cream got rid of my rash.
get rid of sb.打法走/脱节或人
e.g: i got rid of the unwelcome guests by saying i had to go to bed.
feelings 可以表达:
no.1 心境
ill feelings 不良心境
feelings of loneliness 孑立感
feelings of dissatisfaction 不满心境
no.2 豪情
lacking of feelings 短少豪情
e.g: some

people say that dogs have feelings.
no.1 dont take yourself too seriously. no one else does.
no.2 dont waste your presious energy on gossips.
no.3 dream more while youre awake.
punching bag=受气包,发泄目标punch 是:拿拳头打
e.g: harry potter was used as a punching bag by his cousin.
e.g: this terrible movie functioned as my punching bag for me.
give me some sugar1)give me some sugar = 亲亲我
sugar 在这儿是:亲亲。一般用在亲近的人之间。
e.g: honey, give me some sugar.
e.g: hey, little jeson, give me some sugar and then ill give you a red envelope.
i got some sugar = 我被亲了亲
e.g: i got some sugar and then said goodbye to him.
no.1 最多见的“亲吻”
e.g: she kissed him on the mouth.
no.2 不好心思的“轻吻”
e.g: she pecked him on the cheek.
no.3 “厚意拥吻”
e.g: they smooched after they saw each other.
no.4 “响吻” 很响或很长
e.g: she gave me a smacker last night.
love isns day, you can find it every day.恋爱不在一朝一夕,而执政朝暮暮。 i”>autumn years = 老年。“傍晚恋” = elderly romance。1) autumn years = 老年。一般指的是退休之后
autumn years means someones autumn years are the later years of their life,especially after they have stopped working.
e.g: he has nice company for his autumn years!
2)“傍晚恋” = elderly romance。老年之年的恋爱,可不是 autumn love!
e.g: his autumn years were filled with elderly romance.
“不可以救药” impossibleimpossible means an impossible person behaves very badly or is extremely difficult to deal with.
e.g: i had to leave the job because my boss was impossible.


作者: admin







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