英语学霸网 英语口语练习 优良的旅行英语口语大全



1、优良的旅行英语口语大全旅行英语是一门使用性的穿插学科,旅行英语的翻译工刁难我国其时的旅行业打开具有推进作用。精心搜集了优良的旅行英语口语,供我们赏识学习!优良的旅行英语口语1服装店can i help you,miss?要害啥吗,小姐?may i help you to chooze pants?要不要我帮您挑条裤子?how about this shirt?请您瞧瞧这件衬衣?is this ok? it's a k c的方案。how about this? the design is so elegant.那么试试这

2、条,款式很典雅。what size do you wear?请问你穿啥尺码的?this is the right size you want.这是您要的号。this fits you very much.i这件您穿正合身。this doesn't fit you,it's too large.这件您穿不合身,有点儿大了。this is the most suitable one for you.这款对您最适合。don't you want to have a look at this?您可以看看这件吗?this is better,such a

3、s an ordering one.这合身,像定做的相同。it begins to be popular recently.这款是迩来才初步盛行的。everyone likes wearing it at present.当前我们都穿这个。i suggest you to buy this one,it's beautiful as well cheap.我主张您买这件,又美观,又廉价。it's very popular at present.这款当前很时髦。you look so beautiful in it.你穿起来真秀丽。how about the wh

4、ite(red) one?奶白色(桃赤色)怎么样?how about this color?这颜色可以吗?no,it won't shrink after washing.不会的,洗后不会缩水的。no, it won't fade.不会的,这是不褪色的。fitting room is over there.试衣室就在那儿。both design and quality are good.款式好,做工也精密。it sells like hot cakes.这款卖得挺快的。young people all like this one.年青人如今都喜爱这款。i wan

5、t to buy this shirt(pants).我想买这条裙子(裤子)。this one looks good but it will be better if thinner.这条极美观,再瘦点就好了。let me try it on.让我先试穿一下吧。it's too tight.如同太紧了。well, i want this one.那么我就买下这条(件)吧。it's too long,does it shrink after washing?太长了,洗后会缩水吗?do you have a fix service?你们有批改效能吗?does it

6、fade after washing?洗后会褪色吗?do i have to pay now?要如今付款吗?do you have jeans?这儿卖牛仔裤吗?too expensive. i don't want to buy it.这也太贵了。我不买了。the color is too light.这颜色太浅了。i like dark one.我喜爱深颜色的。may i try it on?我可以试试这件吗?this is suitable for me.这款挺合适我的where is the fitting room?试衣室在哪儿?it is not popular an

7、y more.这款式如今现已不时兴啦。this is popular at present.其时盛行这种款式。let me have a look at this underwear.让我瞧瞧这件内衣(内裤)。how much does it cost?这件(条)多少钱?i want to try on this suit.我想试穿这套西服。it's a little small. do you have a large one?这件有点瘦,有大点儿的吗?优良的旅行英语口语2商场、零售店hello,can i help you?您好,您想买啥?what do you want

8、?您需要啥?please tell me what you need.请讲,您要啥?what can i do for you?我能为您做些啥?please come here.请您过来看。please choose yourself.请您自个选择吧。please wait,i'll be back in a second.请等一下,我马上就来。do you want something else?您还想要些啥?how do you feel about it?您觉得怎么样?how about the price?您觉得价格适合吗?what is your price?

9、您想买啥代价的?to buy it will never make you regret.买吧,不会后悔的。you can think about it.您想想再抉择吧。whatever.随您便吧。have you decided?您抉择了吗?do you like it?您喜爱吗?do you buy it?您买吗?how do you think about it?您认为适合不适合?ok,i will bring it for you right now.好吧,我马上给您拿来看。both popular design and color fit you very much款式时髦,颜色对

10、你也适合。in my opinion.it fits you.依我看,这对您适合。the pattern is popular at present.这图像当前时髦。please try it on.请试试吧。this is good as well as cheap.这物美价廉。the demand is large.需要量很大。this is popular at present.这东西当前很热销。i suggest you to buy this.我主张您买这个。sold out.刚刚卖完。(暂时没货。)sorry,sold out.很抱愧,如今没货。booking available.

11、可以订购。it's hard to get.这货可贵有。it's famous brand.这是名牌。it's latest design.这是最新款式。pack up for you?给您包起来吗?where to put it down?给您放在哪儿呢?hello,may i have a look at this?您好,请拿这个给我看看?i want to have a look at it.请把这个给我看看。may i have a look?请给我看看这个。how much?这个啥代价?are there any leather ja

12、cket here?您这儿卖皮夹克吗?i want to buy a coat.我想买件大衣。i want to buy a watch.我想买块手表。may i try it?我可以试一试吗?this is what i need.这正是我需要的。ok. i'll buy it.好的,我买下了。well,i'll buy it.那么我就买下了。no,i don't want any more.不,我不再要了。no,thanks. that is enough.不,谢谢,就要这些。when will you stock the jeans ski

13、rt?啥时分你们这牛仔裙进货?thanks,but i don't want this.谢谢,这个我不要了。sorry. that is not want i need.对不住,这不是我想要的。i don't like this.我不喜爱这个。this doesn't fit me.这对我不适合。what else do you have?你们这儿还有啥?do you have something else?你们还有啥?please show me something else.请拿点儿另外给我看看。do you have somethin

14、g cheaper?你们有廉价点儿的吗?please give me a better one.请拿好点儿的给我。do you have another modality?你们有另外款式的吗?please show me some other color.请拿另外颜色给我看看。give me a larger one.给我拿大一号的。give me a smaller one.给我拿小一号的。i want something more expensive.我想买代价贵些的。well,please keep it.那就请您收起来吧。i'11100k around.我仍是到另外店看

15、看吧。too expensive.这也太贵了。can it be lower?还能廉价点儿吗?could you give me any off?可以让价吗?how many percent off can you give me?您可以打多少扣头?i can't accept the price.这我可买不起。that is not the price i can accept.这个价对我不适合。i also want this. how much in total?这个我也买了,一共多少钱?can i change it another one if it'

16、s not suitable for me?不适合的可以换一下吗?excuse me. where can i buy jewelry?请问,在哪儿可以买到首饰?it's very kin
d of you. thank you very much.您太周全了,我非常谢谢。it's very nice of you.您太好了。please tie for me.请给捆一捆。please pack for me.请给包一包。please pack up the thing i bought for me.请将买的东西给我包好。优良的旅行英语口语3鞋店hello,ho

17、w can i help you?您好,有啥能效能的吗?what style do you want?您想买啥款式的?how about this style?你看看这款怎么样?what size shoes do you wear?你穿多大号的鞋?do you like oxhide or hogskin?你喜爱牛皮的仍是猪皮的?how about this pair of shoes?您看这双鞋行不可?this pair of shoes looks good and popular.这双鞋姿势多美观,多时髦。this style is fashionable as well as g

18、ood.这款式又时髦,又大方。wait a second,i'll bring it for you.稍等一会儿,我马上给你拿来。this pair is good. its leather is so soft as well as bright.这双鞋多好啊,皮子又软又亮。try on this pair.您再试试这双鞋吧i think this pair is suitable for you.我觉得这双鞋挺合适您穿的。how much does this pair of shoes cost?请问这双鞋多少钱?it feels a little tight. is th

19、ere a larger one?这双有些紧,有大一号的吗?this pair is a little large. do you have a smaller one?这双有些大,有小点儿的吗?what size is this pair of shoes?这双鞋多大号的?where are they produced?这是哪儿出产的?is this rubber sole?这是橡胶底的吗?the soles are too hard. do you have some soft ones?这双鞋底太硬了,换双软底的吧。this feels better,what is it made of?这双许多了,是啥造的?which do you think is better,this or that?您看是这双好仍是那双好?15


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